I'm honestly shocked by how much I liked this game. I was told it was a good game and I had relatively high expectations, but I didn't expect it to become one of my favorite games this year.

The way it handles the characters and the world and especially the story is pretty much exactly what I like. And I'm glad to have found a game that delivers just that. I've heard that the ending is disliked by many, but I still catch myself thinking about it weeks later. When it comes to the world, characters, and story, I really have nothing but praise this time around.

The basic gameplay was interesting enough for me to stay motivated until the end, but honestly I wanted to see the end of the story either way, so I would have kept playing anyway. The combat system isn't particularly outstanding, but it was always fun for me. Progression systems are a bit unique, but that didn't bother me. Only a second combat system, which is introduced later, was not quite as developed as it perhaps should have been.

What can I say, I am an absolute fan and the weak points probably bother me far less than the normal player. I'm really looking forward to more games from this world.

Reviewed on Sep 09, 2023
