6 features GoldenEye still gets right like almost no shooter and movie adaption today:

- Instead of scripted cut scenes you are in charge when it for example comes to meeting the bad guys and making the right choices like putting away your weapon and yield when there is no way out. And when you make the wrong choice like accidentally kill a key person without waiting if they are integral to your progress, you have to start over. Simply amazing.

- The many additional side missions when you go for 007 agent mode are not only diverse and fun but also make total sense within the plot. Destroying security cameras, taking photos of sensible proof, etc.

- It is a game based on a movie and instead of rushing the development to get it released when the film comes out, Rare had another 2 years to make it perfect and it just released before the next bond film. Everyone believed the unexperienced team was just screwing up and not getting anything done, but then it was a total success. Great move from MGM!

- Compared to many shooters where the enemies are often just beeing dump and running around irrationaly, the A.I. here is just spot on. They always charge on you and try anything to get you killed. I also like that in many sections they just keep spawning, which could be seen as a cheap trick, but it just makes the whole experience so much more exciting.

- Natalya, unlike Ashley from RE4 or Elisabeth from Bioshock has one feature that makes her stand out: She is not safe from your weapons. You constantly have to be careful not to accidentally kill her especially in the many situations where she's kept hostage. Every civilian and supporting character in this game can be killed except for Boris ("You can not shoot me, I am invincible!!!"), which is a great joke in itself.

- Anytime you make a wrong decision and screw the mission up, the game does not simply stop. It punishes you with alternate and sometimes hillarious dialogue and you are left with a mission that can not be accomplished until you abort it yourself.

Reviewed on Mar 11, 2023
