Beating the main game only takes about 2-3 hours (if even that), but the true meat of this comes from the extra content and replayability.

The challenge modes fucking rock. Gamer is back from Game & Wario, and is still really fun. The “elevator” challenges are back, and having every minigame mixed together with different control methods adds a ton of challenge. Cruise controls and wario interrupts are both probably my favorites out of these. Cruise controls allows you to speed up or slow down the gameplay by tilting the 3ds, and allows the gameplay to really go as smooth as you want it to. Wario interrupts is basically like if the blooper item could be used on ur 3ds interrupting normal gameplay, but with various other tweaks, which adds a really nice amount of difficulty. I personally also really love kat and Ana’s mode “Splitscreen” which cuts down the time inbetween minigames and just goes back to back with minigames alternating from top to bottom. It really makes it a constant rush of gameplay and is really refreshing.

Also of course I have to acknowledge classic Pyoro being back which is such a nice timesink. The arcade minigames are such a nice cherry on top and the little gimmick games like the alarm clocks and he weird toilet paper credits game really make this game feel cohesively “Wario” and is something they really didn’t need to do but they did it anyway.

Reviewed on Nov 08, 2023
