I don’t really understand what the point of this was? It’s free, around 3-4 hours, there’s little to no actual survival horror gameplay, which I can’t really complain about for what amounts to a short narrative experience. Theres one puzzle and it’s a super basic “find the code for a lock” puzzle, which implies to me that the devs actually wanted the gameplay to be engaging? Like if you’re going to include puzzles maybe include more than one? One section of the game has you going around trying to find these “memory pages”, if you will, all while being chased by this monster. This section was really tense and scary aesthetically admittedly and reminded me a lot of Silent Hill 1’s imagery which uses a lot of industrial design. But the problem with this section was that it was really maze-like and you couldn’t really understand where you were going or how you were keeping track of the pages. This leads to a tension between trying to find the pages and frantically avoiding the monster, but it feels cheap, due to how the level design is misleading.

The story concerns this girl, Anita, basically blaming herself for the suicide of her friend Maya and for the guilt that her other friend Amelie has for Maya’s suicide. The story tries to be profound but I don’t really think it said anything other than “seek forgiveness from people and yourself” and it just felt very surface level. Idk. It’s just really mid, and I don’t understand why this was made. For such a short experience, and for it to be kind of half walking sim and half horror puzzle game, it doesn’t really come together in the end, and doesn’t justify its existence.

Reviewed on Feb 01, 2024
