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I think this is the worst of the Doom games I have played. Was really looking forward to this one as well. We get updated graphics and the enemies in the game have been completely redesigned, but I think they lose all identity and personality in this visual “upgrade”. The levels are nicer to look at but are just as much of a chore to explore. The red, blue and yellow key system has been done to death in this series by this point.

Instead of a banging soundtrack we get subdued, atmospheric ambience. This didn’t do it for me, I prefer to slay demons to music.

The little menu has gone when switching weapons so I would forget what weapon was next in the order. Doors would close when opening if you pressed sprint to get through them quickly. The player character would slide downstairs if you left go of sprint on a staircase, this messed up my positioning a few times in fights. I got a weird bug loading up the game where it was a black screen, taking my switch offline then putting it back online seemed to fix it. And the end boss. Man what a tedious mess. I missed all 3 secret levels in my blind playthrough. So I didn’t get the demons portal keys. So I had to fight soooooooo many enemies before the final boss. I beat them with 20 HP remaining but then that final boss, with its homing bullets and AOE knock up attack really tested my patience. Luckily I abused the save/load function and won the fight.

It’s more Doom and if that’s what you want, enjoy this. But I was a little tired of the formula by this point and having a break from the old school shooters now. But I will return.

Reviewed on Nov 06, 2022
