After hearing great things about Super Mario 64, I really didn’t like it when I completed it. So I was dreading going into this game as I didn’t like the golden child, how would I feel playing the black sheep. Turns out a lot better. I actually really enjoyed Mario Sunshine. The levels actually felt like levels instead of random ass bits and bobs slapped together. The overall game had a cohesive theme instead of a mishmash of different biomes. And it still managed to provide level variety whilst sticking to that theme of a sunny tropical paradise. I also enjoyed the Fludd Device and the gameplay mechanics that came with it.

One thing I didn’t expect finally jumping into these older Mario games for the first time is how bloody damn frustrating they can be. My god Sunshine could get annoying. There’s a special place in hell for who ever designed the Fluddless platforming sections. Also dying sending you back to the overworld got very tiring, very quickly. There’s even levels In here where you race a guy, but failing to beat him to the flag pole not only boots you out of the level but it also costs you a life, despite not actually dying.

The plot is also a bit weird. Having Mario get framed for vandalism and having him perform community service is a bizarre central plot but I really think that’s exactly this games strength. How god damn bizarre it is. It’s the black sheep of the 3D Mario games. It’s got some outdated and frustrating gameplay but I would play this game again. And that’s more than I can say for Mario 64.

Reviewed on Dec 24, 2022
