I'm a casual Yugioh fan, I spent an unhealthy amount of time playing Duel Links and watched the first 4 anime series (Zexal is the best) but never bothered with playing the actual TCG. Despite this, after several recommendations from a friend of mine I eventually picked the game up in March and I CAN'T STOP PLAYING IT. My backloggd account became completely dead once I started this game because this is all I play. Help!

As for the good, the music has no reason to be as good as it is. It gives of Persona vibes so as a fan of that series, it's absolute joy to my ears especially the Monarch theme. Additionally, the deck building is really fun, I love making archetypes I tried out in Duel Links like Six Samurai and Cyber Dragons as well as making newer meta decks like Eldlich. The game is pretty fair with how many gems it gives out in my opinion so, unless you waste your gems on useless decks that haven't been good for 5 years, you'll be a-ok. Also, the game just looks really clean, no complaints in terms of the games visuals and there's also a crafting system, so you don't have to bend over backwards to get cards unlike in Duel Links where making a new competitive deck would take months.

But the game is so damn flawed. It severely lacks content which is only made worse for me since I played Duel Links previously and that game never went a day without having some event taking place. In this game, all you get is a Ranked Mode and Solo Mode which you only use to get a few gems. There's really nothing to do aside from those 2 modes and the occasional event that takes place in the middle of the month (which are extremely poorly designed for the most part). The balancing can turn people off, it uses a modified version of the OCG banlist which has way more cards being legal than the TCG. A new player has to face so many crazy cards it can easily turn someone off from playing completely. Personally though, I love the OCG banlist, you've got so many more crazy decks and strategies to choose from that it creates such a wild and fun power level of decks. Once you build your first deck or two and can transfer the staples to other decks, the game becomes way more manageable and fun but I can't see a casual player sticking out with the game for that long.

Despite my love for the game, I can't see someone who never played YuGiOh getting much enjoyment out of this, but I'm still addicted to it and probs won't finish any other game until I get bored of it.

Reviewed on Jun 10, 2022

1 Comment

2 years ago

I think it all depends on you finding a game that can take you away from this one a bit, I think you can do that little by little.