this is game 24/71 of my backlog.

i played this game exclusively in singleplayer, so that's what i'll be talking about, but i did try out multiplayer for a bit, and it just wasn't much fun because 1) teammates are very bad, 2) lag was unbearable.

This game is great! the campaigns themselves are not too much to write home about in terms of narrative, there IS lore but it's just kinda lame and not worth caring about, but level design it's a MASTERPIECE, everywhere you go feels like somewhere you wouldn't be able to go to in normal day-to-day life, and that you're perhaps going the wrong way, but somehow you just always get funneled right into the right path, and that isn't to say that the levels are all linear, more so that they somehow managed to make so that every unexplored path feels like the right path.

One weird thing i noticed is that there's just a lot of... empty room, no loot, no furniture, just empty, i'm not sure why or perhaps it's an rng thing but i saw a lot of those during my playthrough.

In regards to the weapons, the choices are a bit boring, i almost always went with the autoshotgun when i could, it just seems to do way more damage than anything else, and since it's a shotgun i don't have to care about spread fucking me over like the other weapons, but at the same time i wish i felt more of a reason to use the other ones.

This game is also very buggy, like zombies clipping through doors, or trying to scale up ceilings but getting offset weirdly and failing to, some things are just a bit clunky, but considering how ambitious the zombie AI (and their reactions to gunshots) i can let it slip, after all they made the very act of just shooting zombies very fun and weighty.

pretty good game, but with the sequel being a thing, i wonder if there's any point still playing this.

Reviewed on Feb 17, 2024
