Assassin's Creed III is an action-adventure stealth game that was originally released in 2012. and got its remastered version in 2019. featuring improved gameplay, enhanced graphics, 4K resolution and all previously released single-player addons and DLCs.

The game mainly follows the story of Connor Kenway set during the American Revolutionary War. Connor is soon on a quest of vengeance after his mother died while his village was being attacked by Templars. Soon after, his visions led him to an old Assassin who helps him in his quest.
Along the journey, as always, you will have the possibility to meet great known figures, one of them here is George Washington.
The first thing you start to notice is an improvement in gameplay, controls the most, which are very similar to the later released AC IV and AC Rogue.
Unfortunately there is already an issue when the first cutscene comes, the faces are if all characters had plastic surgery and they look horrible, especially Juno. Apart from that, when talking about graphical issues there is also the unrealistic and outdated water reflections in towns where in some missions when the weather is foggy the reflections from water are is if there isn't any fog at all. Fortunately the water reflections in naval missions are far more detailed. The freerun is clunky as it was before, that part of the game didn't change, but it stayed similar to the older games. Also when engaged in combat some soldiers tend do appear out of nowhere making fights longer than they should be.
I also have to note that I've had some major game crashes while playing as Desmond Miles. I noted that as I never had any game crashes while playing other AC games (taking in mind that I've played all AC games after the game had several post-launch patches).
One thing that can also appear more than several times and they are easy to spot are the off-sync between lips, voice and subtitles.
Apart from those issues as this is my first time playing AC III, I have to say that I am amazed by how much content this game offers when comparing to the Ezio triology. Not all content are equally easy to access and you need to take some time to explore it, but it offers much.
There is also a wanted level called notoriety level, which affects on how easily you get into a fight after being spotted by guards. After reaching the third level special guards called Jagers randomly appears all around the town and there are several ways to lower that level, the easiest one includes bribing Town Criers and Printers.
When speaking of combat, the combat is fluid, including many different weapon types, combat and kill moves, making Connor one of the most lethal Assassin so far.

The Tyranny of King Washington DLC is a three part story in an alternative future where George won the war using of the Apple of Eden. Even though Connor thinks that something happened to George after he left him the reality in this story is that Connor has never met George nor any other character he encountered in the main game.
George fell under the control of the Apple and he starts to spread terror and famine killing anyone who thinks the opposite. As Connor is unable to win this fight alone, he decides to put himself under the influence of the tea to envoke unnatural powers to help him.
While you'll still be visiting the same locations as before, there are several new side quests offering some variety into the game. What you also have to be aware of is that enemies will always immediately attack you on sight, so be careful of every step you take.

All in all AC III offers much content and variety but unfortunately not everything is as polished as it should be. The main problems are the faces and off-sync between lips, voice and subtitles in cutscenes and few other minor graphical and gameplay issues which makes the game less enjoyable.

Reviewed on Oct 12, 2023
