Severed Steel is a single-player first-person shooter developed by Greylock Studio and released in 2021.

Almost without any background story you're given a short campaign which can be completed in only 3 hours (6 chapters). But what you're gonna experience in those 3 hours is pure non-stop action, thrill and fun from the beginning till the end. Shooting, jumping, double-jumping, combination of jumping and wall kicking (to reach great heights), backflips, wall running, sliding, diving, kicking doors and kicking enemies while stealing their weapons or weapons from already fallen enemies and while doing that, having the ability to slow-down time to adjust your aim to have almost all enemies killed by headshots. One hand is used to hold weapons, but you don't have the other one, instead in the other hand, you're soon given a plasma cannon which is mainly used to create alternative routes through the map since the enviroment is destructible. Since you don't have the other hand to reload weapons, after using all the bullets you have to find a new weapon (or steal from enemies), or before that, you can throw your empty weapon to stun an enemy.
The amount of weapons in the game is huge, you're hardly gonna pick up the same weapon twice and every weapon is fun to use, especially shotguns and snipers.
Other than weapons, the game has also a great amount of different enemy types, but one big flaw, only one boss fight. What they could have also done is to put smaller boss fights in the end of each chapter, instead of just one great boss fight.
But what to do after those 3 hours of campaign? Well, the developers soon gave the information to players that new content will be released in the future, after the game was released. In the time of writing, after finishing the campaign you have: Campaign+ (which is same as the campaign but enemies deal double damage), few additional smaller Bonus Campaigns/Levels made by the developers and community, Firefight (score attack game mode), Rogue Steel (game mode with rogue-lite elements and additional challenges) and a Level Editor (in Beta).

All in all, a magnificent game with non-stop action. Even though it offers a short campaign with only one boss fight, with newly added game modes, the game has great replay value, offering at least twice as much play time than what you would experience with the base campaign.
A game that after you pick it up, is hard to let it go.

Reviewed on Feb 09, 2024
