One of the best open-world game at that time, following the same mechanics of GTA but this time with another story, but not just of one character, but even three of them, Michael, Trevor and Franklin in their quest for money and in the beginning we learn how they met each other and their background story.
The city of Los Santos is beautiful and bright, that even after many years, you are not bored with it.
Apart for the main missions, there are many things you can do while playing the main game; side quest, hidden quest and many things to discover or reveal.
Of course, where there is crime, there are weapons for that, and so this time Rockstar didn't disappointed us, many guns, pistols, rocket launchers,... and of course with them, even weapons attachments for better recoil or accuracy.
Well, you might ask what after that, what after all the main storyline quests and all side activities, well, in singleplayer there aren't many things left to do, which caught me off-guard as I always remembered playing all those vigilante, fire and ambulance truck activities which I was looking forward to, but this time, none of them are here. But this doesn't mean anything because there is a massive multiplayer mode waiting for you to try new things, buy apartments, play heists with other players or friends,... ( Well from this year the online servers are shut down, but for the review, I still had to point out how good the Multiplayer Mode was).
The only things that killed the enjoyment was the massive loading times, both singleplayer and multiplayer mode, in multiplayer is even worse, after every activity outside the game session you had to wait the servers to put you back in another game session and so on.

All in all, one of the best open-world game till this day, even though nowadays half of the game locked due to servers being shut down, but you still have the whole main story left to complete which will give you many entertaining hours of enjoyment and thrill.

Reviewed on Jun 17, 2023
