Watch Dogs is an open-world action-adventure game released by Ubisoft in 2015. on consoles and PC.

This game is a slightly different game from games like Grand Theft Auto games, this time, you are a hacker in a quest for vengeance.
As we follow the story of Aiden Pierce, a great hacker, who tries to solve the mystery of why is his family attacked by Fixers, we find out many other problems in Chicago. The city of Chicago and Aiden Pierce being a Vigilante are such a excellent match, as Chicago, being known by the amount of crimes.
The NPCs are amazing, when you walk the streets, you fell like everything is alive. The gameplay is great, the story is simply amazing, the graphics are okay, but still, could be better.
There are some things that needs to be improved, like driving and repetitive side quests, but apart from that you will still have a great time doing different side activities.

All in all, I recommend it for all open-world game fans. If not for the gameplay, at least for the story which is amazing, thrilling and fun.

Reviewed on Aug 05, 2023
