Somehow even more visually and sonically stunning than its predecessor. I was still not as engrossed in the story as others for whatever reason, but it still deserves its flowers, especially that gut-punch of an ending…

The most notable deviation from Innocence comes in the gameplay. Requiem is a marked improvement on the previous game in this regard, with even better puzzles, and actually viable stealth mechanics for most of the campaign. Unfortunately, a select few sections do still revert to the old “kill everything to sneak” methodology. It’s just as painful, but thank goodness they’re a lot less prevalent this time around, and you’re given more tools to make an escape if you find yourself spotted.

I also just want to mention that I found the use of haptics for the PS5 DualSense controller to be really nice for a 3rd party title.

Reviewed on Feb 25, 2024
