Amstrad CPC Tasting Menu

A small selection of games for the Amstrad CPC series of micro computers. These games can be played (with some difficulty) in your browser at ClassicReload, or via an emulator (I suggest WinAPE). Directions for setup and use are found on MyAbandonware.

The Amstrad CPC lacks many of the features of the Commodore 64 and Sinclair ZX Spectrum. Thanks to its low price, being sold as a complete unit, and its built in tape deck, the CPC saw success in the UK, France, Spain, and Germany. It was also unique among its competitors for pitching itself as primarily used for playing computer games, rather than games being a secondary function.

Many of these titles are available on other micros of the era. The CPC also boasts a vast array of ZX Spectrum ports.

Not on IGDB:
R-Type 128K

North & South
North & South
Chase H.Q.
Chase H.Q.
Fantasy World Dizzy
Fantasy World Dizzy
Head Over Heels
Head Over Heels
Total Eclipse
Total Eclipse
Get Dexter
Get Dexter
The Guild of Thieves
The Guild of Thieves


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