Fujitsu FM-7 Tasting Menu

A small selection of games for Fujitsu's FM-7 series of 8-bit home computers. You can find ROM dumps at Gaming Alexandria and the Neo Kobe compilation for use with the emulator XM7. The Gaming Alexandria ROM dump includes instructions on setting up XM7.

The FM-7 line started out with the business-oriented, game-unfriendly FM-8. Following this came the redesigned, and cheaper, FM-7 which briefly held the position of #1 best selling computer in Japan. The later FM77AV model would include FM synthesis, hardware scrolling, and a new graphics mode, making it the most advanced of the Japanese 8-bits.

Some of these may be available on other home computers of the era.

Not on IGDB:
Hitsuji Yaai
Killer Station
Dream Professional Baseball
A Doctor Does Arithmetic
Attack on Pearl Harbour
Space Warp
Sumo Wrestling
It's a Bustle in the Ring!
Crash Ball
FM Racer
Silpheed: Super Dogfighter
Ys: Ancient Ys Vanished

Mario Bros. Special
Mario Bros. Special
The Black Onyx
The Black Onyx
Punch Ball Mario Bros.
Punch Ball Mario Bros.
Elevator Game
Elevator Game


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