It's definitely not for everyone - it's a visual novel and single player werewolf simulator where your success somewhat depends on RPG-lite stats (in fact, some obvious logical deductions like "x must be friendly/an enemy" are locked behind stat gates) - but Gnosia clicked with me immediately and kept delighting me through countless loops.

The artwork is gorgeous, the (sadly short) soundtrack is effectively moody, and the scenarios and dialogue run the gamut from goofy to creepy to tragic. There is an overarching story that unfolds gradually, with more and more lore piling up until various pieces begin to fall into place during the ending (and subsequent true ending). And while this is all happening, the core werewolf simulation is continually satisfying, offering opportunities for deception and sleuthing, alliances and vendettas, and even metatextual lightbulb moments.

If there's one flaw, it's some unfortunate fumbling of one of the non-binary characters during one scene, though that two non-binary characters are even included in the game and presented as complex individuals who drive the story is rare and something I was happy to see.

Petit Depotto are a very small dev team but I will absolutely be playing whatever they put out next.

Reviewed on Mar 08, 2021
