Medal Slug.

Not really, but it has a lot of aesthetics that remind me of the Metal Slug series like the bullet particles and sprite work. It even has a drivable tank in certain sections! The player can also use mounted machine guns.

I had a really good time with this game. It's a simple top down 8-way shooter that doesn't feel hampered by the dpad controls because of the strafe button that lets you aim a direction and move around. There are also multiple loadouts you get at checkpoints with choices that are significantly different. The pistol Panzerschreck combo was a bit too difficult for me to use but the other loadouts are viable. In between on foot segments there are some on rails shooters that feel perfectly balanced to make you feel like you barely survived. There are also some optional stealth sections. Medal Gear.

Overall, a decent challenge with the farmhouse and final mission standing out as the toughest but still very doable. I recommend people who are looking for an arcade shooter to give this a try.

Reviewed on Jan 30, 2024
