Of course, the game is not finished since this is just a prototype, a collaboration between Sega and Nec that never came to be. Bosses are super short, some animations are not complete, the game has visual glitches once in a while, and I've encountered some really neat exploitables that I'm sure were not intended in the final game. Even the music don't loop well, you can test it yourself by pausing the game and letting it play. 

But goddamn, this is the most fun I've had in a while playing a video game. Bosses have all their own unique gimmicks; enemy coreography gets crazy in the latest stages; and the music is an absolute banger, probably my favorite video game track of all time.

I just love how fast and challenging it is. I'm so impressed the PC Engine can keep up with it since, even with the help of the CD add-on, this is running on what essentially is an 8-bit system yet there's no slowdowns.

If you liked Space Harrier and Fantasy Zone, you owe yourself playing this, it's an absolute blast.

Reviewed on Mar 05, 2024
