I tried so hard to like this one but, man... that backtracking, those awful dungeon designs, that atrotious part where you gotta follow the same guy for what it feels like an eternity, AND also having to grind levels to raise your Magic stat (which is completely useless) in order to complete the game?

Otherwise great, great story and setting, but i have the feeling that this one would make for a far better book than what it is as a videogame.

Reviewed on Jun 03, 2023


1 year ago

The dungeons I felt were all fine and easy enough to navigate, and the map function helped a ton. But the backtracking was by far the worst part of this game and I'm glad they never made the same mistake on any of the future SMTs.

1 year ago

Of all the SMT games i think this is the one that needs a remake the most, i dig the world they created and the writing is genuinely awesome, but yeah, the game has no concept of quality of life, sadly.

1 year ago

a remake for this would go so hard otherwise, I probably prefer the first one