In some backwards sort of way, the completely nonsensical story and exposition is actually to the game's benefit. It's so over the top that it loops back around on itself in an self-reverent sort of way that is actually extremely fitting. It rides the line between sentimental and ridiculous, and does so with unwavering grace.

The gameplay is exactly what you'd expect, and there are a plethora of dumb characters and worlds to run around. However, the presentation is top-notch. In a way that only nostalgia for this game could explain — something I did not experience — Kingdom Hearts II is the cement in a young player's childhood; something us as adults can look back on with longing that transports us to a simpler time. The story's heavy-handed passion for its characters has the ability to connect with players in a way most games are unable to.

Almost great by accident, the game is dumb fun, but for those who like this game, even just a little bit, tend to love it whole-heartedly. With one of the most satisfying endings in video game history, it's a good thing never made more of these... Hold up...

Reviewed on Aug 23, 2023
