I found this game on a few different YouTube videos on underrated and less hyped cozy switch games. When i went to the Nintendo store to read about it, i noticed it was on a very deep discount, so i just bought it. And i am really happy i did.

The overall premise of the game is to just farm. There's a catalog for you to buy stuff with money and a work bench to craft stuff with materials. Since your own island is pretty small, you can take a little boat to a neighboring island to collect resources and sometimes, visit a sales booth.

My daily routine would involve going to an island to collecting materials, coming back to craft/cook it then placing it in the mailbox to sell it. The money is paid the next morning. Once I had money for the decor or farming equipment i needed, i'd just buy it and it would be delivered the next day in the mailbox.

There is also a story and one huge goal that requires collecting tons of materials, so keep that in mind. After the story mode, free play is unlocked as well as choosing custom maps for your next farm island.


First thing to do is work on expanding your backpack and storage chest.

Second thing is to look for magical sprinklers at the sales booth. They greatly help with farming and cover a 5x5 square.

Third - Never sell raw resources, they sell for too cheap. Always cook foods or sell things you crafted.

Overall, I love this game and will definitely be coming back. I do wish there was more story and content, but i still love playing it. I finished the story in about 26 hours spread over 3.5 days. That's how much i loved playing this game.

---The Good
Art Style
Traveling to Islands
Tools that never break
No pressure farming
Lots of stats and achievements
Unlimited stacking in storage
---The Bad
Story is very short
Very few goals or missions
No animals on the farm
Only one pet at a time
Controls are a little weird
Very few storage slots to start

I sorta found this game randomly in the switch eShop. I was drawn to the cute art style and the mention of puzzles. Unfortunately, although i thought i like puzzles, it turns out that I'm really bad at them. Some of the puzzles were pretty easy and some were pretty difficult. It's a mix of thinking puzzles and agility puzzles.

The story of the game is pretty much some bad guys showed up in town and trapped all of the towns people in a puzzle tower in town. As you complete a floor of the tower one or two villagers are released. As you go through the story, more and more villagers are rescued, which starts to populate the town. In order to move higher in the tower, you have to have a certain amount of friendship hearts. Friendship hearts are acquired by doing fetch quests for villagers. These quests range from flowers, fruit, pastries, wood and stuff. You unlocked different areas of the maps as you progress up the tower.

Overall, i liked the game but i def had to use some online guides just to get through some of the puzzles. I enjoyed the world and atmosphere, but i was a bit frustrated at some points. I feel like its a great game, but probably just not my strength.

Tip: I spent too much time totally broke. I did not realize that you can sell stuff. There's a guy in the shop, standing in the back, named California. Sell stuff to him for money. Once you get the golden pickaxe ax, he especially pays well for gems.

---The Good
Simple game play when completing quests
Beautiful art style
Extensive play options after the main story ends
Interesting story

---The Bad
Hard puzzles with no hints
No questing list, you have to remember who wants what.
Night time gets a little dark