I hate to be in the minority of people on this planet who don't absolutely fawn over this game, but it's just not for me. I'm not big on management sims, and the subgenre of "video games that have a lot of minigames packed into them" never interested me. I was really enjoying it for the first 10 or so hours, but it fell off hard for me after that. I wasn't able to finish the main story before becoming bored.

With all that said, this game certainly has a lot of heart and soul, especially in the character design and animations. And I can see why lots of people really like it. So you should probably just ignore me in this sea of thumbs-up reviews. I'm the one out of ten dentists who doesn't recommend your favorite toothpaste.

(I don't usually rate games that I abandon, but considering I put over 20 hours into it and got pretty close to the end, I felt that this was justified.)

Reviewed on Mar 22, 2024
