Incredibly fun and addicting space dwarf action. Props to the devs not only for making such a great game, but also for keeping the paid content to a minimum with only the cosmetic bundles on the Steam store page. Aside from those, all other cosmetic items and upgrades must be earned by actually playing, which is a huge breath of fresh air in today's landscape.

Update: 200 hours later, I can confidently say this is one of the best live service-style games on the market. The ONLY thing that could possibly make it better in its current state is if it were free-to-play, but it's more than worth its affordable price. With the newly released Season 1 "Rival Incursion," the amount of content is higher than it has ever been, and the battle pass is not only free, but also does not rely on FOMO tactics. Yes, everything in the pass will continue to be available after the season ends. What game does that better? I'll wait for an answer. The core gameplay loop itself is also just fun as hell. I'm greatly enjoying playing on higher difficulties with random teammates online. It's one of the very few multiplayer games where having a bad experience with randoms is the exception, not the rule.

Reviewed on Mar 22, 2024
