Selected lyrics from the parody song I just wrote:

Keep the paranoid and justified
My God
They try to hide
Now Jesus is a dirty word
Who took God out of the news?
Took the people out of God
Who took God out of the schools?
Took the children from God
Rip children from the womb
Before they ever had a chance
To see they're alive
Stare into their unborn eyes

Who gives a shit about politics
I'd like to share a thing or two about heretics
You see, evil infiltrated our government
And it wears a masquerade of sentiment
I forgot to tell you that you can't pray at school
I hope that you know that you can pray after school
And please don't mention Christ on the job
Wonder why I'm feeling like I have been robbed

Just kidding, they're from Disunion Reconstructed, a song by Tripwire President John Gibson's Christian nu-metal band Dirge included on the Killing Floor 2 soundtrack!

Reviewed on Sep 06, 2021


2 years ago


2 years ago

Apparently they've been scrubbed from the internet, which is why I posted them here... I've been laughing at them all day and needed to make sure everyone could appreciate them. I was thankfully able to save screenshots in time, but while trying to find out if they were still up anywhere, I found someone else who also archived a good portion of them:

2 years ago

This whole saga sure has been interesting. Glad to see that the response has been pretty unanimously "fuck that guy" though

2 years ago

western christians really want to be seen as oppressed lmao