"Surfing is very much like making love. It always feels good, no matter how many times you’ve done it."

Radical in idea, ostentatious in visuals, Audio Surf is an attack on the senses. A corner of the room where you enter your flow state and let the rhythm take control. Whether it is with popular uploaded tracks or the sounds from your very PC files, Audio Surf lets you ride the ways your way. You can try and be the Big Kahuna, and assert your dominance with high scores and pitch-perfect deft accuracy. Or you can vibe out, lay out your playlist, and just have some time to turn off your old brain. The choice is all yours. I opt in relaxation mode personally. Never creating a strenuous moment, and rather just giving a semi-active musical moment. It never eclipses the best beats of the genre, despite the endless freedom of choice. I'd say that is alright though, why not just enjoy it for whatever you make your own reason. That holds out as meaningful in its own way. Music is life, and life is all about joy, so bring the joy to your ears, and play the way you want to. Whether that is the full soundtrack of Chrono Trigger or the latest podcast of Earbiscuits. As long as you have a good time, you are doing it right.

We hereby award: The Bronze Seal of Recognition

Reviewed on Feb 08, 2022
