Modern Warfare 3 is essentially Modern Warfare 2 but again...and yet worse, much worse.

I don't think you could possibly replicate the magic of MW2 because that game found the sweet spot between a hilariously dumb story and a fun and exciting fps game.

But how do you follow it up? IW came up with an answer: Do it different from before. Like the games even look identical to one another, 2 years apart and this game just looks like an expansion pack to MW2. I think MW2 may even look better graphically speaking somehow.

The only things saving this game from being just bad are:
1. the ending is pretty satisfying
2. spec ops is pretty fun even if its way worse than in mw2 (way too trial and error imo)
3. survival mode is fun
and 4. the set pieces still work sometimes.

The game plays like a list of cliches from the genre, slow motion, random explosions, unbelievably dumb plot (Russia invades Europe! All of it! At once! While also the president is missing...and he was about to declare peace...who the fuck send the russian army to invade Europe?), that one sniping part, characters dying for no reason, the shocking moment (woah a kid dies), too many turret sections to count, obligatory AC-130 part that makes me thank Spec Ops the line even more for showing how fucking awful using that type of weaponry actually is, instead of treating it as a momentary power fantasy (cough cough mw3), also racism.

I mean c'mon you go to Africa in one mission and kill like a thousand black people just to find out it was all for nothing cuz Makarov wasn't even there...alright IW why is this shit even included? It's literally just a random detour that goes nowhere and feels just like a poor excuse to shoot up some foreigners that aren't Russian.

Anyways another issue I had with this game is that I NEVER knew who the fuck I was playing as, sometimes you're Yuri, sometimes you're random American guy nr48210, you play as the Russian president's body guard in one mission, also Price in the last mission, prb some other people I forgot.

The game does a poor job at giving you context, it's more of a disconnected series of set pieces than a coherent story and it makes the game feel like it simply doesn't care enough to give you a good story, the only part that matters is at the end when Makarov dies, rest is just kinda filler when it comes to the story.

Also for some reason, at the end of the game, they just decide to kill off a lot of characters because they clearly had no idea how to tie up their character arcs since nobody has any so the best they could think off is just killing them.

Idk looking back, while I did enjoy mw3 for being mw2 but different (well not that different, well actually its just mw2), the more I think about it, the less I like it.

The ending might be badass but the rest of the game is just kinda trying too hard to capture something it can't possibly hope to catch and no amount of dumb shit will make up for it...well ok maybe the Eiffel tower collapsing almost makes up for it. Almost.

Reviewed on Oct 29, 2021
