Hot take time: Black Ops 2 is fucking shit.

While playing Black Ops 2 there was a point where I realized I wasn't really playing BO2 as much as I was watching it. The game would introduce this sweet new gadget (gimmick) and then a minute later it's all but gone forever and the whole time I was using it I was more or less just watching a cutscene of my guy using it while sometimes pressing a or d.

Perfect example would be the wingsuit, you use it once then it's gone for the rest of the game, or the invisibility cloak thing which also appears in one mission then it's gone forever.

All the things the game introduces would make for solid features/games on their own (except the tour defense stuff, man FUCK that garbage) but in black ops 2 they are nothing more than glorified quick time events (the part where where you're climbing walls with your magic gloves or whatever springs to mind) or small boring gimmick’s that don't really offer much outside of spectacle.

The whole game feels too railroad-y, you move a bit then press f and watch a cutscene of your character doing something, the contextual button prompts feel like they're just there to make sure you're awake (press d to search thing on computer WOAH great gameplay there lads!).

But aren't all CoD games like that? I hear you ask. Well kinda but it's never been this apparent, we've jumped like 60 years into the future and yet the setpieces have gotten infinitely worse than in black ops and even the mw series as stale as that got eventually which makes it more apparent that we aren’t really playing the game half the time.

I don't like the future setting in this game, it only feels like an excuse to give us more of these pointless gadgets to fuck around with for a bit.

And the story is just a big miss, first of all, its awfully predictable, Mason's death comes to mind, like really? He suddenly goes off comms, then suddenly in like the 80s we're lead to believe we're about to assassinate the main villain thats still alive in 2025? And the whole game builds up to that moment in a way that makes it less of a mystery and more of a...just show the fucking cutscene I pieced together what happened 3 missions ago skip the bullshit.

Secondly, the multiple perspectives type of storytelling is really getting old here, especially when the devs don't even seem interested in one of those perspectives (the 80s one with the guys from bo1).

The characters are forgettable at best if I'm being honest, none of the deaths of betrayals really hit me (off topic but its convenient that every betrayal comes from a black guy eh) and I don’t even remember the name of the main guy tbh.

They try to make a charismatic villain which you can sympathise with and sure, having literally everyone in his family be murdered at different parts of his life is one way to do it...but it can't really justify the fact that he wants to kill millions in the way the devs seemed to want too, it's not much of a grey area, good guys do good, bad guys do bad, that's about as deep as the morality really gets. Like when you play as the villain you run around and chop people head's off with a sword, is that suppose to make him seem like anything but a crazy fuck?

Anyways enough about the story, how's the gameplay? Kinda meh, this engine doesn't feel like it's been made for futuristic guns so the game kinda half assed it, it takes more than to give us shiny looking modern guns and make the hit markers blue to make the game feel futuristic Black Ops 2.

I don't find the gunplay as enjoyable as the one in BO1 despite them being identical, like every part where you play as Mason/Woods, the gunplay is identical to BO1, so why the fuck does it feel so much worse? Maybe its the way enemies too way harder than before making the guns feel weaker idk.

The multiplayer isn't much to write home about, it's about as vanilla as it gets, sure the pick 10 system is good, but personally I prefer the old one (can't fault them for trying at least ONE new thing). Outside of that, it lacks the insanity of MW2, the interesting currency based progression of BO1 or the (at the time) innovation of mw1, making for an entirely mediocre experience for me personally. Maybe it's just because at this point the 10 people still playing BO2 are too good at the game so I got my ass kicked a lot idk.

What about zombies?

Eh...I played it with a friend and we got bored quickly tbh, maybe it's just not for me idk, heard the dlc maps are good but FUCK that, this game is 9 years old ain't nobody buying the still expensive DLC at this point.

In conclusion, it's pretty overrated and more than a bit of a letdown coming off of BO1, everyone points at this game as the last good CoD game but by that standard it’s scary to think about how the next few games will play out.

Reviewed on Oct 30, 2021

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2 years ago