I really liked this! Aside from the weird spinoff/soft reboot DMC, this is the only Devil May Cry game that I've ever played all the way through.

The characters are all fun in their own ways. I must confess I'm not really the best at remembering combo move inputs, so this game ended up feeling much like a fighting game to me: a significant amount of button mashing in and around the combos that I did remember. It mostly worked.

I think I liked Nero and Dante the best, and primarily enjoyed my time as Nero because I think I understood his mechanics a lot more. Though Sin Devil Dante is extremely fun and I liked that a lot.

The story is pretty forgettable, though maybe not being a big DMC series fan is the barrier here, but it was good entertainment with some pretty cool moments.

I'm glad the PS+ subscription gave me the opportunity to play this, I probably wouldn't have bought it otherwise.

Reviewed on Jan 28, 2023
