This game is very special to me, being the first game I ever experienced hype for it's release and also the first game I've ever preordered in anticipation for. To top that all off, it exceeded my expectations when it did finally release. No other game has provided me with an experience like that ever again. Some have come close.

With Kingdom Hearts 1 being one of the most magical experiences I've had playing for the first time as a kid, I only had high expectations for the sequel. And in a rare case for video games it actually delivered.

This is everything a sequel should be. The gameplay improved immensely. The story using its pre established characters and plot to make something even bigger. The world and lore expanded. The music having more meaning. Almost everything has been improved.

The only downside (and I wouldn't call this an objective downside) is that you need to have played the other 2 games to understand anything that's happened in this game.

The first game is still my personal favourite of the series, however this is objectively the best one.

Reviewed on Jan 16, 2024
