After years of fans yearning for another game in the Jet Set Radio series Team Reptile are finally here with a spiritual successor to the franchise, Bomb Rush Cyberfunk

To get straight to the point, if you are a fan of Jet Set Radio, go and play this game. It is pretty much everything that Jet Set Radio and future is, and more.

Where Jet Set Radio Future fine tunes the controls of the original Jet set radio, Bomb Rush Cyberfunk takes the controls to the next level by giving the characters a jetpack that allows them to Double Jump and do all other kinds of tricks including boosting. The even gave you the ability to do a manual which allows for endless combos and just makes comboing much more addicting than it was in the original Jet set radio series. This allows a game to feel more like a Tony Hawk style of game in terms of comboing rather than a more simplistic controlling JSR.

With the game controlling like an absolute dream due to the double jump and the one-button manual, unfortunately there is a caveat of the control difficulty being too easy and not prone to mistakes, but if you aren't bothered by the easiness of the gameplay then you'll have the time of your life here, feeling like a skating God.

The structure of this game is actually very similar to Jet Set Radio Future where you're given a bunch of open hubs and you can fulfill multiple objectives such as tagging or collecting items. The structure isn't bad but I do prefer the arcade Style of levels the way the original Jet Set Radio was presented. With the game being more of a open world skate-at-your-own-pace type of game, it suffers the same issues Jet Set Radio Future did when it came to the soundtrack of the game, where you would hear the same couple of songs looping over and over to the point where you would get tired from it. The replayability also dies with this structure because of the fact that you can't simply just jump in and replay arcadey stages aiming for the highest score. The game is way more story driven this time around so if you did like the original Jet Set Radio for the arcadiness, this choice may be a negative for you.

A big part of what made Jet Set Radio so so good was its style and music. The Music definitely hits as good as Jet Set Radio bringing back some of the composers of those games. And the artstyle, while not as vibrant as the original Jet Set Radio, is still really stylish and probably a little better than it was in Jet Set Radio future.

Although without comparing it to JSR, Bomb Rush Cyberfunk is still an amazing game and it is definitely worth your time and money especially if you like action sports games like Tony Hawk. The game isn't just limited to skates as well you can even get a skateboard or even a bike so there's three preferences to choose from depending on what your favorite modd of transport is. I personally love the bike.

I hope in the future they release an update with some kind of arcade/replayable mode or include that in the sequel because I can't really see myself replaying this game for only the story aspect.

Team reptile have still accomplished something really good here and made one of the very best games of 2023, and I look forward to what they put out in the future.

Reviewed on Mar 30, 2024
