So you're telling me Platinum at their prime (no pun intended) made this with a budget of $15 and some pocket lint? It's kinda crazy because you can feel how low budget this game is, yet the gameplay is some of Platinum's very best.

Is that Optimus Prime dodging and activating witch time? You bet your ass that is. This is literally a Transformers Bayonetta game. It's crazy how good combat feels here. When you play Bayonetta, the combat is satisfying in a punchy sense. In Transforms: Devastation, the combat is satisfying in the sense where you can feel the weighty 5 tonne metal clash and bash 10 tonne metal. If you want to play the game purley for the combat and vibes, this game will satisfy you. If you're looking for anything else, unfortunately the low budget presents you with copy + paste environments that repeat 2-3 times in a 6 hour game. Yeah game looks cheaper than a McDonalds Big Mac meal, but if you're into Transformers, Bayo Combat and some crazy metal playing during many of the game's bossfights, you will really enjoy this as much as I did.

The bossfights are easily the best fights pitting you against some of the most iconic Deceptions with their own movesets and strategy while the hypest music is playing in the background. And the game is FULL of bossfights to keep you entertained between all the copy pasted "level" sections of the game.

There is also a good replayability factor here since you can play as 5 different Autobots throughout the entire game. Optimus was my favorite, but I am bias.

This is honestly more of a 3.5/5 game because of how ugly everything about the world in this game is, and it's pretty short, but the combat and bossfights are so goddamn good I bumped it up to a 4.

Reviewed on May 15, 2024
