Hey, you!

Do you like watching people ricochet off of sheer cliff faces like ping pong balls? Do you mourn that you’ll never get the opportunity to launch missiles at the World Trade Center? Have you ever wanted to fire a buxom woman out of a cannon? If your answer to any of the above questions was “yes”, then I have two things to tell you. First: Seek therapy. Secondly and more importantly, however, you’re really doing yourself a disservice by not playing Pilotwings 64.

I’m given to understand that the original Pilotwings is something of a classic, being very technically impressive for the Super Nintendo and having a rather distinct aesthetic to it. Nintendo themselves seem to have a soft spot for it, referencing it in a handful of their other titles. I haven’t had an opportunity to take a crack at it myself, sadly, but I did happen to spot its sequel at my local game shop this past weekend. Pilotwings 64… A name I was aware of, but not one that I ever paid much mind to.

While the Nintendo 64 might very well be my favorite game system of all time, I’ve come to realize recently that I’m astonishingly ignorant of its relatively small catalog. I have a bad habit of hyperfixating on the “big ones”, brushing aside more mediocre or niche experiences across the gaming landscape in favor of titles with more fame (or even infamy) to their names. I have started to realize that I’ve deprived myself of a lot by doing so – even the most underwhelming games tend to have aspects that were decidedly inspired or born from love. Giving them a chance can force me to reevaluate or recontextualize my affinities and opinions. Worst case scenario, I’ll be able to answer people when they ask me questions about that one game nobody ever seems to talk about. Best case, I’ll have an experience that leaves a lasting impression long after I play it. I’m happy to report that Pilotwings 64 is decidedly in the latter camp.

The game almost immediately defied my expectations upon powering up my N64. Super Mario 64, Nintendo’s other launch offering, hits you with a big and colorful logo before presenting you with a massive disembodied plumber head, practically screaming “look how cool and advanced our fancy new system is!” Pilotwings 64 slaps you in the face with a funky bassline and an intro that looks like it was ripped from an educational VHS tape straight out of my elementary school days. I wouldn’t have called it especially impressive by comparison, but it sets the table neatly and is intensely evocative of its era. Needless to say, I was smitten.

All of your playable characters are named after birds. Their designs and renders are deliciously 90’s – just take a look for yourself. You may be noticing one of them seems uncannily familiar. Lark is probably a different character than Nintendo Power’s old mascot Nester… Although their writers did apparently suggest Lark is just a pseudonym (sadly, I haven’t been able to find the preview in question). His counterpart, Kiwi, is adorable. Goose and Ibis are the epitome of cool. Hawk is just an absolute unit and I want to give him a big hug. At any rate, I’m a fan. Their differences are more than superficial, too, as is helpfully outlined in the game’s manual. I presume Robin shares the heavy class with Hawk due to being weighed down by her preposterously prodigious polygons.

The tone of the game is broadly lighthearted, optimistic, and chilled out, though it seems to have a hilariously mean streak at times. Whether it’s because of the occasionally cruel challenges leveled at you or the over-the-top shrieks of your pilot as they plunge into a river, it’s admittedly a little too hard to stay mad at the game when it keeps making me laugh. Of course, the OST is big contributor in this, being at times quirky, but for the most part very mellow and smooth. Tied together with the twiggy player models and “I put this together in ten minutes using WordArt” style of the UI, I felt instantly transported to another place and time.

As to gameplay – at first blush Pilotwings 64 would seem to be nothing more than a simple mission-based flight sim experience, and if you play it as straight as possible that may still be your takeaway in the end. The controls across the hang glider, the rocket belt and the gyrocopter are intuitive but still demand enough fine adjustment on your part that they feel challenging to master. If you’re intent on getting those perfect scores, you’re likely to sink a good few hours into your attempts. Likewise, each of the three main vehicle types have enough variety in gameplay between them that each section feels distinct. You can also unlock a few additional minigames that provide some fun diversions from the core experience. However, there’s more to the game than just going for gold. Many maps have at least one secret tucked away someplace, and in most cases you can simply ignore your given objective and explore. If you’re the kind of person who likes to nose about in every weird little nook and cranny when you play games, don’t worry: Pilotwings 64 understands.

It’s worth making special mention of the maps here, as they’re quite visually impressive for this being one of the first N64 titles. They’re wide open with interesting designs and a valiant draw distance to support them. One particular standout is Little States, a miniaturized version of the contiguous 48 US of A with many of the expected landmarks. Not only is it shockingly expansive and filled with plenty of little easter eggs, but it also dreams of a utopian timeline where South Carolina doesn’t exist. There’s an unlockable “Birdman” mode that lets you lazily soar through the various locales at your own pace and explore every inch without needing to worry about performance. It’s an almost zen experience flitting from one end to the next, taking in the sights while basking in the mellow mood. You really get the feeling that the devs were proud of what they put together and wanted to share all of it with the player.

Overall, there isn’t a ton of content to speak of in Pilotwings 64 and not a ton of reason to come back once you’ve aced every available challenge. What’s more, the choppy framerate did make the more impressive aspects of the game a little harder to appreciate, though I can likewise acknowledge that I’ve perhaps become a bit spoiled by smoother experiences as the years have gone by. While I’m uncertain as to whether or not I would have fallen in love with this game as a kid, as an adult I’m very happy to have picked it up. It feels like a solid little title to come back to between bigger games – something to slot in when I just want to enjoy the powerful vibes for an hour or two.

Anyways, the moral of the story is: If you see a game that looks interesting, just try it. You never know what you’ll find.

P.S. I had read at some point that the increased framerate on Nintendo Switch Online’s version of the game can apparently make Birdman hard to control. Not sure if this has been smoothed out since its initial release, but it’s definitely worth considering when choosing a way to play.

Reviewed on Feb 26, 2024
