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The plot involves two factions, Chrome and Murakumo, both of which are unethical. I like the theme of individual freedom represented by the protagonist "Raven," who can choose who to side with.
The gameplay is experimental but engaging. Strange controls become distinctive, offering a unique experience. Combat is adrenaline-pumping, especially when experimenting with Armored Core weapons and configurations.
Mission preparation, spending, and credits earned contribute to the game's depth. The variety in AC equipment affects mobility and stability, requiring attention to detail.
However, the rating of "7" is given because of some flaws. The level design is uneven, with hit-and-miss sections. The game's economy is risk-free, and the controls are problematic in some situations.
The final level is the tipping point, with disproportionately frustrating cameras, platforming, and design, concentrating all the game's flaws into an unpleasant experience.

Reviewed on Feb 06, 2024
