This point and click adventure features neat puzzles, great audio, and a wonderful world of dinosaurs. The world-building was very compelling and– it needs to be said– there are so many cuties in this game. Whenever I saw a new one I had to point it out and the task became so overwhelming I had to invite my friend Tom over to help get the job done.

I like the sharpness of the sprite visuals on the field although when the game cuts to the comic panels or profile shots; there's some anti-aliasing and more natural looking linework and I didn't like the mixed fidelities. That's a nitpick, though, and I don't let that factor in to my rating.

I think what I dislike the most is how the plot unravels. The narrative stakes zigzag a lot and some of the later plot revelations felt like they came out of nowhere. I also don't think Zniw has a good arc. Her characterization is rather vague. She's kinda just an adventure game protagonist: generally well-meaning but also predisposed to mischief. She doesn't give off a memorable impression.

The music is great. It's atmospheric and chill while also being melodic and emotive. The puzzles were pretty good. Sometimes there was an object that blended too well into the environment but most of the puzzles were strong and I like how the game increases the complexities of puzzles as the game goes on, having small arenas early on but the game ending in a bigger puzzlebox.

Found this very fun. The animation is great. A real treat!

Reviewed on Nov 11, 2023
