I didn't know much going in, and wow - this game surprised me! I'm usually pretty opposed to games that go for a "cozy" vibe, but this one struck a chord with me. It's slow-paced, sure, but it's also full of little moments of action that keep it entertaining. You've got to stay focused while underwater or you might just meet your demise.

I'm a big fan of ocean-dwellers; specifically sharks. Since I was little I was always fascinated by them. It's cool to see a bunch of familiar creatures and figure out how to approach/catch them. Exploring the ocean never really got tiring. I even enjoyed doing what was essentially the same thing multiple days in a row as I was simply just interested in catching sharks for a while. It was oddly relaxing.

I'm not really a fan of anything this game aims for individually, but as a whole it just felt right. I don't like slow games. I don't like relaxing games. I don't like farming games. I don't like "simulator" games (like cooking/serving). This game just manages all of that stuff really well. I liked running the restaurant. Managing your stock and creating the correct dishes was something I looked forward to doing at the end of every in-game day.

Unfortunately, this game does try to do too much. I'm not really sure why, as most of the core mechanics are well thought out and would make for a complete-feeling game on their own. The need to add tons of minigames, some meaningless side quests, and continually expanding the way you create your food was a bit much. I could have done without the introduction of... eggs. Even the farm itself was a bit much for me.

The game excels when it's you, your restaurant, and the open sea. They should have left it at that. Cut about 30% of the extra stuff and it could be an incredible game. The way it is; it's still awesome. I loved it. But it wasn't consistently enjoyable in the second half. There are also plenty of points where you are slowed down even more than usual with puzzle rooms. No thanks. I like exploring the ocean; not wasting time pulling levers and such.

On the other hand, I do think it is paced well in general. You unlock things consistently and are always being lead in a new interesting direction. Despite not enjoying every new aspect that's added, they cadence they were introduced was one of the best around. Most games mess this up. I loved upgrading weapons, my restaurant, my staff, my fish farm, etc. It was a very rewarding loop and there was always something new and interesting that I wanted to work towards.

The characters are all charming, the music is somehow simultaneously catchy but also soothing, the little animated cinematics were always a treat to watch, and you could really feel the love poured in to every aspect of the game by the developers.

"Managing" things in a game has rarely felt this fun. No other game has done sea exploration as well as this, it's just a shame that they tried to also do too many other things at once.

Reviewed on Jan 09, 2024


10 days ago

Haha yeah, idk man, I can't call a game with excessive blood to be cozy.
@redbackloggd Fair enough. I find replaying a Souls game to be cozy so don't put too much faith in the words I use.

But for real though this game is cozy as heck. The music and the pacing and the cute interactions. It's as cozy as it gets, minus the sharks.

9 days ago

LOL, I have another friend @Rezlo who called Iron Lung cozy, so it's definitely a loose term haha.