The best shooter since Rainbow 6 Sieges first couple years.

This game looks and runs beautifully. The movement is probably what I would deem as perfect for a shooter. It feels so good to move around in. The verticality is very impressive and makes the gun fights really dynamic. On top of that, the destruction is done better than it has been in any other game. This cannot be understated.

I love the simplicity of the guns. No attachment customization that bogs everything down and over complicates things. Just pick a gun, point it, and shoot it. Oh, and you can also use a bunch of cool gadgets to help you accomplish the objective. Grappling hooks, jump pads, etc. encouraging such an insane amount of traversal is so fun.

You actually have time to engage in a gun fight, start to fail, then quickly bail and find a way to recuperate your health, reload, then re-engage. It's so refreshing to be able to do this in such a fast-paced shooter. You don't just die instantly! Your movement skills AND your ability to manipulate the environment are equally - if not more - important than your ability to aim. That's awesome!

Outside of when you spawn super far away and have to painfully make your way back to the objective for literally a whole 30 seconds - I love everything about this game. Well, except for the monetization. I miss just paying for multiplayer video games. Oh, and the heavies do seem as though they really center the game around them. They're painfully difficult to kill.

Reviewed on Jan 18, 2024
