I got this game for like 2 bucks on the eshop during a sale and thought, hey, why not. I finished the main story in about 13 hours and I don't regret my time with it. However, it is important you go into it with the right expectations.

This game is NOT a game made for the Switch and it certainly doesn't try to be a console title. This game is a mobile game restructured to run on consoles excluding the microtransactions. Ingame items that used to be obtainable by purchase of a special in-game currency with real money are now just found on the overworld or are given to you by NPCs. These items make the game a whole lot more enjoyable tho, cause they help with grinding.

Overall this game was mostly what I expected, but it had a few surprises as well. The writing is really fun and most characters are, at least visually, well designed and unique. The story was interesting, but certainly nothing groundbreaking. The Nexomon designs are really cool, although you probably want to go only for the rare+ mons, since they are clearly way more powerful than common mons. I think the game is easy enough to beat with any team and grinding is not that hard since the levelscaling is really nice, but if you want to spend some extra time looking for the really rare mons, you will have an even easier time with the game.

Some battles, especially near the end of the story, were completely random story-wise. They didn't make any sense looking at the point the story was at and sadly a lot of battles with the same people happened over and over again in the span of a few hours. The "climax" of the game was well done and I was satisfied with how the story concluded.

There is post-game content I have not touched yet and I might just skip that and move on to the second game sometime in the future. Overall, if you expect a perfect Pokémon-clone with far better writing, mechanics and story, this is NOT what you are looking for. If you are looking for something similar as a fun game you can beat in a relatively short time, go for it!

Reviewed on Oct 11, 2023
