Mass Effect 3... an end, once and for all.

Every mass effect starts with a "this game feels weird" for the first few missions no matter how many times I play them. It's like I'm too familiar with all of them, so playing each one feels odd. They're also quite distinct in feel and style, despite 2 and 3 being very far apart from 1. The gunplay/power usage finally is at a good balance here. You can choose how many guns you are bringing and which ones - they all have various benefits and drawbacks, namely their weight which increases or decreases your power cooldown times. It's a nice halfway point between 1 where powers are simply too much (Biotics are insanely powerful due to the number and strength of their abilities with no cooldown) and 2 where they're kinda useless (especially on higher difficulties where powers do nothing against armor/shields). It also leads to a bit wider gameplay variety, you can play an adept pretty much as a Caster and rarely use your guns and just pop 'spells' off.

There's an increased focus on 'emotion' during the game. Characters often ask after Shepard himself and see how he is handling things. You have dream sequences throughout where you think about things that have come before. I have a mod that changes this to be more about your past actions in game rather than the boy who dies at the beginning. -I'm not sure I ended really preferring these modded dream sequences actually! I romanced Tali this time to completeion and it is a biiiiit too gooey? lol. I did ultimately enjoy it but I think Garrus is still my top boo! Shep and Tali are adorable together but I'm not sure they connect quite as well as Femshep and Garrus.. The frequent callbacks to their introduction in 1 is pretty adorable, but there are several here and I can feel the 'DLC' nature of some of the game - they didn't really intend for all of this to be played at once. But we'll get to the DLC later!

The story is MUCH more linear, but that is due to the game actually HAVING a main story, unlike much of ME2 which is basically just "get ready for the reapers I guess?". What is here is pretty good I think, but there's two issues: The Illusive Man is the main bad guy here, but he's way less interesting because we get so much less of him. Also he rambles on about 'plans' and whatnot but it really seems like he's just throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks, not actually being a mastermind. Also Harbinger is a great antagonist in 2, but is essentially nonexistent in 3. In fairness he was a bit overdone in 2, but cutting him out entirely I think is a mistake. What is present though are the highest highs of the series are undoubtedly in Mass Effect 3. The story sequences of Rannoch and Tuchanka still brought me to tears, 8 years and several playthroughs later. I feel the ending ultimately falls a bit flat, PriorityEarth is nowhere near as good as the suicide mission from 2, or even the attack on the citadel from 1.

Mass Effect 3 is a complicated game to talk about and rate. It means a GREAT deal to me, I still remember my first playthroughs vividly. I mean the Rannoch mission basically broke me as a human being haha that's damn special ya know? But ultimately I do think it is not that strong a conclusion to the series, ultimately. There is some excellent stuff in terms of endings for the characters/main side plots to the games, but ultimately I think the main conclusion with the Reapers leaves a lot to be desired. What ME3 does excel in is a MOOD throughout the game - clinging to a last shred of hope through very dark times. Even as the galaxy literally falls around you, your friends and allies are there to believe in you. The Mass Effect series has a lot of successes - its gameplay in each is exciting and a mix of guns and powers; its universe is EXPERTLY put together and the codex is brilliant; the cinematography of so many shots shows off the games beauty if not its technical prowess; its story is well-told and engaging.. but what really sets it apart? What really makes it shine all the brightest? The characters. Your companions are all fascinating and amusing and heartwarming and vexing and ALIVE, moreso than almost any game I have ever played. Getting to see how they evolve through the games, how your actions and words often come back to mean so much is often heartwrenching. Garrus, Tali, Legion, Mordin, Wrex, Liara... so much history and growth, and to be a part of that is something I don't think I will ever forget. I hope I did them proud.

Reviewed on Feb 14, 2022
