I'm gonna make a lot of Fortnite-heads mad with this but this was not good. Here's the thing, people never understand what they have nostalgia for. You don't miss Fortnite in 2017, you miss 2017. You miss playing with your friends and how hot the game was. It was such a global event. The game has evolved so much past that point. And the only thing they captured is how shallow the OG Fortnite BR was. Because it wasn't built for Battle Royale, but the team is so phenomenal that they built THE definitive battle royale. I guess it captured they scale of the phenomenon again because this season brought record player numbers and led into their whole rollout for the Fortnite off shoot games but outside of that, I was so bummed when they said it was coming back after this because I really didn't enjoy playing OG Fortnite.

Reviewed on Feb 25, 2024
