It's funny, someone on 4chan once said, "Zelda games were made solely to sell strategy guides" and it's something that stuck with me when I played Link To The Past, which I played with a guide and I honestly didn't enjoy it that much. And man fuck whoever said that because playing this made me realize the magic of the Zelda Series. I played this without using any of the Sheikah Stones or a guide (Except for not knowing you had to feed a fish to get into Jabu-Jabu belly, fuck you), and the magic of figuring out how to progress is what makes this game so perfect. So I actually reluctantly played this I had a 4 hour break at work and the only game in my 3DS was this. After my experience with LTTP I was super hesitant to start playing this, growing up I always bounced off the Zelda games because I was an idiot and would play 1 dungeon get discouraged and put it down. I've bought this game maybe 3 different times (N64, Gamecube, and Wii) and never got past the Deku Tree dungeon again because I was a fucking idiot. But on this break I powered through, refusing to look at guide and just figure out what the hype was all about. And wow did it fucking hit me. I get the feeling of the grand adventure, traveling to different parts of Hyrule and the puzzles of the dungeons and when I would hit a wall knowing there had to be a solution and I'm a moron but like solving some of the Dungeon puzzles made me feel incredible. The adventure this game takes you on is incredible and seriously never gets boring, each area comes with new challenges and each dungeon felt wholly unique. I loved meeting the people of each town and the dialogue felt fresh for an almost 30 year old game. The combat feels weighty and while it was never challenging it never felt like a slog to fight regular enemies. The boss fights are a huge highlight that felt like they were all larger than life and again while not sure challenging really still had a joy of beating each one. But just the scale of it all is what kept me salivating for more like I loved every area and when I unlocked the whole map I was wishing there was more to explore. As someone who really wasn't crazy about any Zelda game, finally sitting down and playing this through I get why people call it one of the greatest games of all time and now you can put me in that category. Now obviously I played the 3ds version which has a million quality of life changes, the fast item switching, better graphics, second screen, 30fps etc.) I'm sure that is what made this game still feel new but either way it is just a masterpiece from the beginning.

Reviewed on May 25, 2021
