Well as of writing this Season 6 will be complete in about 12 hours and with that comes a very weird review. When I got my PS5 (Which I bought solely for Demon Souls) I had some friends over and I was showing them how good games looked compared to the PS4 and I just so happened to have Fortnite installed just as a comparison. We made jokes about how it looked like a completely different game then the one we used to play. Me and my friends played pretty religiously for the first couple of years and seriously fell in love with every aspect of the game. It didn't rely on people camping in a corner, it actively rewarded you for playing aggressively and it was the game that made me fall in love with the Battle Royale genre and honestly makes PUBG, Warzone and even Apex feel boring in comparison. And that's due to the building. It's an aspect that can seem like a gimmick but it is CRUCIAL to why this game is so perfect, it adds a new depth to every fight and traversal, need cover; build, need height; build, need to escape; build. It allows you to be tackle any fight however you want doesn't make everything who pulls the trigger first it requires more than any other first person shooter before it and and makes me feel the way I did playing Unreal Tournament or Tribes as a kid, a competitive FPS that rewards movement but now with added depth. So that why for around 2017-2019 we loved it but we all fell off. A lot of my friends went to Warzone others to Apex and honestly we were just burned out and I stopped checking in for years almost. Well I picked it up coincidently right at the start of Season 6 and now at the end of the season I have played according to my PS5 520 hours, reached battle pass level 168 and seriously couldn't be more excited for next season after almost playing it daily for all of Season 6. Now this is because this season seriously brought me back to when I first started playing with some great changes. This season was very simple in the best ways. The meta never really got too complicated, you needed a Shotgun, An AR and a Bow, this was perfect for multiple reasons the Shotguns and ARs rewarded multiple playstyles, if you hit your shots accurately you used Mechanical, if you were less accurate you used primal and everyone had a fair chance in a fight now the ultimate mix was what the bows brought to the table. What they replaced were the snipers, people fucking hated this but it fixed multiple problems. 1. you weren't going to get picked off from 500m away without realizing who was there and 2. it was the first real counter to building in a fun and interesting way. Before this the only counter to building was the vehicles which was boring you would just drive or fly into a build and it just sucked for everyone. Now with the 4 types of bows you had such great options. 1. If the person is building with wood (Which most people are, use flame bow it killed them and their build.) 2. If the built tight around them and you had them trapped, use the stink bow it forced them to either move or engage you 3. did they build a dutch colonial made out of brick use the explosive bow and just tear that shit down and 4. do you want to go shoot them point blank range well shockwave bow yourself into their build and fight. The reason the bows made me so happy was why I highlighted the depth of combat before. FPS or TPS in this situation have gotten so fucking generic and not just in terms of visuals in terms of gameplay. Every encounter isn't should I run or shoot there's so may ways to engage in combat and so many ways to counter it that I can almost put this game more in the category of a fighting game than a shooter, hell I will sit alone in lobbies and work on my builds just like I would in a lab working on combos and when you pull of a good build into pump shot gun combo it feels fucking amazing. And just the icing on the cake, the visuals fuck people who complain about the "cartoony" look, Apex and Warzone (Which I also love) are so fucking boring to look at, everyone looks the same the only way to add any color is gun skins meanwhile every different location on the map has so much character and the different music and NPCs and there's just so much life to everything. And I know I'm in the minority but there is a stupid beauty to being a Xenomorph with Baby Yoda on your back shooting at travis scott wearing a batman cape like this is the equivalent to every steam workshop joke game but like it's licensed which is just so insane. This game is perfect and I just could write a million stories from this season but if Season 7 can just keep up this momentum I can't see putting Fortnite down any time soon.

Reviewed on Jun 07, 2021
