I have been meaning to write a review on this and I honestly wanted to wait until I played the campaign but looking at my 894 hours played between all 3 versions I think it's pretty safe for me to review this but just a heads up this is a Competitive Multiplayer review only. I have purchased this game in every single possible way you had an option because for a year this mindless bullshit was my life. Now this may sound like an insult to the game but this took me back to 9th grade when Modern Warfare 2 came out every every day me and my friend would get home from school and play until 1 am and do it again every day for a full year. This game felt like recapturing that magic for good and for bad. This game perfect every thing about previous CODs and filtered out all that was bad. The Movement was the best combination of The Old MW and MW2 while keeping the speed of newer future versions. The guns felt INCREDIBLE there wasn't a single class of gun that I didn't love using including the side arms. Just a blast to fully level up every gun to max... which I did hence my playtime. I loved the grind of this game and it was so fucking addicting and it seriously never stopped like I played this until Cold War came out and the only reason I stopped playing was to play the next game like this kept my attention for a full year. Also as someone who loved putting every attachment on their guns and hated how every previous COD locked you at 2 this was like heaven to me, you could make any gun in the game anything you wanted. What I mean is, if you wanted a Submachine gun with a sniper scope that had 100 round mags you could do it, if you wanted a AR that also fired shotgun shells you could, the magic of the Gunsmith is what made this game perfect, every gun could be made to work in your situation. This game had some of the best maps in the entire series. Gunfight is a fucking blast. Ground war was honestly better than the last few Battlefields like this game hit it out of the park in every single respect and it will always have a place in my heart as the best Call Of Duty ever was... Yes even better than 4 and MW2.

Reviewed on Jun 08, 2021
