Okay so I wrote an incredibly overlong review the last time I got super heavy into a fortnite season and sang its praises as a Masterpiece and leaned heavily on one thing, how much the building added to the Battle Royale genre. Here's the thing, I stopped playing video games for a good bit (almost a year) and the thing that brought me back was hearing building was removed from Fortnite. With how much I felt it added, I really thought this would take all the magic away, I was dead wrong. The improvements they made to movement has made no build the only way I will play fortnite going forward. This breathed new life into this game and put so much more emphasis on the fast paced gun heavy game play that was missing from build heavy matches. Never before have I had to be so aware of being in open, or who could attack me and now more than ever someone can run or slide up on you in a second and you always need to be ready. Removing the farming of materials and building has made getting immediately into fights more exciting and the gunplay feels better than ever as well. This seas relied alot on a huge weapon variety as the season went on and I really enjoyed that. As well as the new quest structure which felt more rewarding and less grindy than previous seasons. And as always the continual barrage of pop culture into this game, and this is coming from someone who hates, marvel, dc and star wars; will always get me. Something about stripping all context away from the IPs and just having a smorgasbord of every possible character in a match never gets old. Also the 5 stars is literally just for them adding the Wu Tang emote to fortnite.

Reviewed on Jun 11, 2022
