Fuck you Ninja Gaiden. Growing up I was a retro gaming enthusiast and downloading this game on the Wii shop channel was a huge part of the reason why. I fucking loved everything about this game. The rocking music, the fast paced combat, how fluid and in control you feel, the brutal difficulty, but also how the game teaches you both patience but also to take your show when you have it. The level design for the first 5 worlds is perfect. Everyone thinks that there are enemies in places just to fuck you up but the first 5 worlds are so expertly crafted where the game teaches you how to handle every encounter and following patterns. Enemies only respawn if you did the wrong move, if you are playing the game right you won't fall into these pit traps. I also love the boss design and fights in this game. BUT The last world throws that whole design philosophy out the window and says fuck you there is no rhyme or reason to this enemy placement and have fun lol. Really disappointing for how perfect I really feel the rest of this game is.

Reviewed on Jul 22, 2022
