It's so fucking funny watching the roll out of this game and I'm not talking about the game, just the idiots making 8 hour long videos daily about how "OMG GUYS DID YOU KNOW YOU CAN ENDLESSLY PUMP MONEY INTO THIS GAME AND GET NOTHING IN RETURN, GUYS THE GOVERNMENT SHOULD STEP IN BECUASE CLEARLY THEY ARE USING TACTICS THAT CASINOS USE" literally the most over dramatic shit I've ever seen. You know what a predatory practice is, a game costing $60+ and then running ads every 5 seconds saying that you need to buy the game right now to get all the content. You know what is way more consumer friendly, giving the game away for free and letting everyone play through the whole campaign and endgame and multiplayer and LETTING THEM ACCESS EVERYTHING FOR FREE at the expense of the option to pay money for cosmetics and upgrades that are unlockable through gameplay. You know why? Because I played the whole campaign, and said this was fun, not really interested in the endgame and I deleted it, literally a billion times more ethical than if it was a full priced product and I played though the whole game and was like "oh that was completely not worth the money". Yeah it was fine and thats about it but it was a pretty well made ARPG with fun dungeons and bosses with a lot of cool ideas that I would recommend to someone looking to play an ARPG on the go. And you know why I would recommend it to anyone, BECAUSE IT'S FREE AND THEY CAN PLAY ALL THE CONTENT IN IT FOR FREE, also another huge plus, the whales who have spent millions on the extra shit, allows the devs to make more content and give it endless support, so if you do like the game there's more of it to play, and if I for some reason want to play it, then when I come back I'm sure there will be more to do, but that day probably won't come because it just didn't sink its teeth into me

Reviewed on Sep 27, 2022
