I had really low hopes for this game. I love Wolfenstein 3d, being 10 and playing the shareware version in my basement was my introduction to First Person Shooters. The atmosphere of that game sticks with me until this day and I would never think I could love a Wolfenstein game more than that, but somehow this masterpiece happens.

This game has no right to be as fun as it is. I think it's important to say I think this is due to me playing it on Über, which in my opinion transforms this into a whole different experience. What would've been a pretty great FPS with a fun revenge story turns into a Brutally Difficult tactical arcade shooter where you can't just run and gun you are force to survey an area before running in guns blazing and require 10-20-30 runs through sections till you know the location of every enemy, exactly how many shots you need to drop him, and exactly what gun you are going to use to do it. It makes you feel like an absolute master at the end of a level when you are rewarded with the next section of the game excited what scenario the game holds for you next and threw curve ball after curve ball at you to force you to max out every skill so you can stealth, duel wield, and blow your way through every level.

The story is great, if you needed any more reasons to hate nazis the opening of this game makes you personally want to topple the regime they set up around you. This is alternate history done properly and gives an amazing sense of a resistance army building up through the game and seriously the fight keeps getting bigger and bigger as you make it to the final sequences, it feels like you've had an impact on the world they build. The characters that they surround you with are so enjoyable and it's one of the first times in a game I went out of my way to talk to characters to get to know them more.

This was a flawless execution that made me realize what a single player FPS experience should be something you can't replicate online.

Reviewed on Feb 22, 2021
