CDPR once again has outdone themselves. I did not expect them to top Witcher 3. But they did it !!! Yeah the game has bugs but so long as they aren't game breaking and frequent I can overlook them as they will be patched eventually or modded out. The story and atmosphere is ELECTRIC. This is easily the GOTY for me despite it coming out so late in the year. I do wish it was a little longer but none the less still a very solid experience
Johnny Silverhands is so legendary Ill go ahead and say it. He beats Neo in terms of Keanu's best role hands down. I had such a rough time In deciding who got V's body even knowing the outcomes they were both fantastic characters and I just wish there was a way to save both of em. The only thing I kinda didn't like from the endings is there was no good ending. No matter what V cannot win and that really got to me. Oh and the character creator colors should of been like a drop down menu. If you are a fan of a great story, great characters, CDPR, amazing graphics, sick gameplay you already know what to do.

"SO Wake the fuck up, Samurai. We have a city to burn."

Reviewed on May 10, 2024
