Yeah if your going to put in a match 3 into your game would it kill you to not require to grind money for power ups because the stipulations to unlock the next section are ridiculous. "The story mode" you guys add once you complete a section should be the base game if you guys were going to make the puzzles this annoying & tedious due to the dogshit RNG. Blatantly obvious that this was done to pad the length of the game because otherwise this would be 1-2-3 which frankly I would take over getting screwed with the RNG. Makes the match 3 in Being A Dik look like a cakewalk. Lets talk about the actual content now that I'm done with the 3 match grind/difficulty rant.

So the animations are pretty fire despite them being very short (and having to work like crazy for them seriously its bad.) They have sound and light VA work. The only downside is climaxing is not fully animated and is mainly just drawn. Still when it comes to drawn games to even have animations at all is a blessing since most H games that are drawn are still images or do the flip book frame style. So huge thumbs up on that front. When it comes to variety of the scenes its actually pretty solid. They hit most of the standard kinks. Pretty hot scenes for the most part. Some of them were mehh but the ones that stood out in terms of best scenes in the game were easily Boutique Visit & Glory-ous Night.

As for the story the game doesn't have a real narrative its just a bunch of small scenario/short stories that have a small backdrop and lead right into some klap. Just like how they had the best scenes & animations, Boutique Visit & Glory-ous Night also happen to have the best plotlines. Especially since some like Out and About were just all over the place.

In terms of overall content you have the 5 standard short stories which overall were decent I suppose. And then it seems Home Alone, Beach Episode and the Christmas Surprise are considered extra stories or dlc kinda? As you get the achievement for completing all stories after Out and About.

And boy do I have lots of roasting for that content. As if the "base game" wasn't already difficult enough those 3 sections are even more ridiculous with the difficulty. Like you need to rely on all the tools available in order to progress. Which means grind time because those tools aren't cheap and you'll need a lot. Home Alone is the only one worth considering playing in terms of content as you still get some scenes. The other two do not give you animations/scenes. You just get artwork so don't even bother unless you hate yourself enough to go for that platinum.

At the end of it all I would avoid the hell out of this title unless you are a furry (I'm not even one at all I got the series since the animations look well done. Which they are pretty good but are ruined with the gameplay) or really like match 3's because the amount of grinding needed for such a small payout is really just abysmal. Save yourself the trouble and go play BAD, FL or Eternum please.

Reviewed on May 20, 2024
