So Life ls strange is an amazing game. One of the best storylines I've ever experienced jam packed with so many emotion evoking situations. The artstyle is unique and fits the theme of the game. The characters are all pretty interesting even the side ones and the pathing is pretty solid for a interactive game. And we got some great voice acting too. Max's VA in particular was just gravy. (Honorable mentions chloe, pre episode 5 mark jefferson, and kate.)
The ost is really fucking good. One of the best I heard. Every song used for an opening fits fantastic with the theme of the scene and episode. Easily the peak of this franchise with the exception of the prequel BTS that can honestly rival tf out of it. Its a title I can wholeheartedly recommend. (the remaster for BTS also never crashed for me) However the remaster for this great title is a mess.
Yes the visuals are improved a decent amount (Not enough to really justify the price tho so if you do go for it make sure you grab it on a heavy sale or just go play the original game that is much more stable) but the post processing is even more aggressive. ( I modded most of it out but you can't remove 100 % of it) And the game is extremely unstable (Even unmodded). Only episodes 1 and 5 did not crash me. Every other episode crashed like a motherfucker which is already really bad but this game has certain checkpoints so you end up replaying a lot of situations so many times.
The things I did to try and reduce crashing was the offline mode trick that works for a lot of people but I still got crashing. Also verifying game files and setting cpu priority to high. I would still crash but it would be reduced. Also the pre-rendered cutscenes look like complete ass thankfully there is a mod to raise the res for it to 4k 60 fps.
Basically only buy on a deep sale and if you really really want the boosted visuals because the original is just so much more stable. I love this game but this port is shit. Avoid like the plague and if you try be ready to test your patience. So I gotta deduct a star because of that.

Also while I fond of amberprice we team pricefield out here !

And if you want to see the story with these updated visuals but do not want the headaches I gotchu with a full walkthrough no commentary playlist on 4k ultra 60 fps:

Reviewed on Jul 05, 2023
