I keep trying to play through and finish this but unlike Ori and the Blind Forest and Celeste, there's always something that stops me from sticking all the way through. Maybe it's because so much of the game focuses on sheer speed and dodging obstacles rather than more complex movement mechanics (such as Celeste's dash or Ori's bash) and Meat Boy is both simultaneously super fast yet filled with a million things that can instantly kill you in one shot. I've referred to this as the "monkey in a cage" hypothesis where instead of varying the movement and techniques, they just throw more obstacles at you. To me, this made Super Meat Boy feel like a grindfest where I'm bashing my head against the same level over and over again rather than really enjoying executing the movement. I really respect this game and the soundtrack is phenomenal, but it's not my cup of tea anymore, and that saddens me a little. Maybe I'll just play it on and off and see how far that gets me.

Reviewed on Oct 20, 2021
